What is Winter Solstice?

Newgrange, Ireland

When the sun shines on the Winter Solstice
It will wash the dark away, wash away the shortest day, longest night
and then the new begins anew … again!

Winter Solstice 2020

Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy 12 Days of Christmas, Happy New Year’s Eve and Happy 2020!

Time for the yule log, keeping the fires burning for the 12 days, drumming, celebrating … and what was Solstice really all about to our ancestors? The Winter Solstice marked the rebirth of the sun after the shortest day, yes, and it falls between two major fire festivals Samhain (sow-een) or Halloween and Imbolc (St. Brigid’s Day – February 1st the day our ancestors celebrated the first day of Spring :). What about Newgrange, in County Meath, where an ancient tomb covered with beautiful artwork remains in darkness for much of the year? The spiral symbols can be seen at this Newgrange site and, once a year, on the Winter Solstice, the tomb fills with light to reveal the beautiful artwork on the walls.


The history steeped in mystery. At this darkest time of the year, are we meant to go within to see our own light and look for the shadow that dares encroach upon it? Keeping the home fires burning is a reminder to keep our inner flame stoked and to bring out our own Excalibur sword. Remember Brigid’s silver mantle of light? Check out the Celtic Wonder Tales by Irish poet and scholar Ella Young for the original Celtic Creation Story.  As a scholar, Ella’s translation of the ancient Irish texts are cumbersome, yet the story within is fantastic! If you have my new book, Thank Our Lucky Stones, you can read some of her translations there; if you’d like a link to a free Ebook of Thank Our Lucky Stones, email me and I’ll send it back to you … winter solstice gift of the day 🙂


Excalibur The Sword of Truth


Yes, Arthur’s sword of Truth comes much later, but remains very important to inner Solstice celebrations. Can it be that our soul purpose is to shine bright light into the shadow areas and into the blackness? Not only in our external world, but inside. Excalibur is here to teach us that it is the Sword of Truth and that Truth is something that you know in your heart. Truth is that you are that spark of light at the very centre of your being, even if it is surrounded by darkness, and at any moment, the thought of Excalibur can slash away that darkness when you look inside.


Celebrating the Winter Solstice begins now – truly a time to celebrate this New Year and new decade; this is the time, at this darkest time of year, to remember that Excalibur is always with you; we all carry our own Sword of Truth. By looking back to see what our ancestors’ traditions symbolized, you can share with other people what you know and be brave and learn about what you don’t yet know. We are all in this together 🙂

PS. Going into 2020, I choose to think about the positive: ‘Count your blessings and more will come’ (gratitude of ancestors)
and ‘This great big light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…’ All the best to all of you and yours; thanks for supporting my oasis of love in Lakefield and look forward to seeing you all soon!


Tara Molson, Photographer

Was going to put a pic of Ella Young here when I saw this photo…

Let Us Rock This Year 2020 here we come!

Celtic Wonder-Tales

from Ella Young’s Celtic Wonder-Tales, published in 1910. This is my summary of Ella’s translation of the creation story and where I first learned of Manannan from the Isle of Man and Midyir and all the magical awesomeness in ancient Celtic legends of gods and goddesses … Some of this translation appears in my little stone book: Thank Our Lucky Stones!

Brigid and the Shining Ones live in the Land of the Living Heart, Tir-na-Moe, a world of gods. Earth is in the pit of chaos, wrapped in the black hissing of waters and monsters. Brigid heard the Earth dream of beauty.

Brigid begins singing and the Earth begins to sing. Angus the Ever Young, the Subtle-hearted and the others hear her sing and they gather around Brigid. Midyir, the Red Maned, the Haughty; Ogma the Wise, Splendor of the Sun, the Dagda, whom Brigid calls the Shepherd of the Star Flocks, Mananun, Nuada the Wielder of White Light and Gobniu the Wonder Smith.

Midyir volunteers to look into the darkness to hear the thunder and to throw fire amongst the monsters. Brigid says, “I’ll put my mantle round the Earth because it has dreamed of beauty.”
Angus offers good luck and says he would go if the had a sword of light. Brigid says yes! “We will take the four jewels: the sword of light, the cauldron of plenty, the spear of victory and the stone of destiny to build power, wisdom and beauty and lavish heartedness into the Earth.”

Midyir ‘grasped the fiery spear and descended like a flame’, treading out the monstrous life in his wake. A tide of foam and blood arose around Midyir and the spear was a wheel of fire changing the darkness from murk-red to blood-red to rose-red.

“I have made a place for Brigid’s mantle.” Brigid threw down her mantle and it touched the Earth and it spread like a silver flame until Angus jumped on it and it wrapped him in a silver mist and he laughed and called the others to follow and they did. They saw each other like images in a dream. Dagda drew green fire out of the cauldron and scattered greenness everywhere. Angus played with Dadga’s greenness, sculpting valleys and hills.

Mananun saw exiled monsters with iron eyes looking over the edge of Brigid’s mantle. He drew the sword of light on the advancing chaos and the sea monsters fled. Then he raised the sword to the waves, green and sweet sounding, with amethyst purple and blue-white foam. Mananun swung the sword a third time and the sea rose to greet it in a “wave as white as crystal, unbroken, continuous, silent as dawn.”

Brigid lifted her mantle like a silver mist and the Da Danaans’s saw clearly.

“Let’s stay here and make beautiful things so the Earth will be glad,” said Mananun.

Brigid took the Stone of Destiny in her hands and it shone like a white crystal and she laid the stone on the green grass where it sank into the Earth. A music played as it sank and suddenly all the hollows were filled with water, rivers and deep pools … “It is the laughter of the Earth,” said Ogma the Wise.

“Now we must learn the secrets of the Earth and slowly fashion dark, strange trees and fishes, not like the fishes in Connla’s Well.”

Nuada says, “We shall fashion other trees and hounds and deer and we shall be smiths and artificers or the world and beat the strange life out there into other shapes and we will make islands to the north and west and surround them with the three waves of Mananun and refashion all things until there is nothing unbeautiful in the whole earth.”

The Lords of the people of Dana, the De Danaan lords, told Brigid she must go to Moy Mel, Tir-na-Moe, Tir-na-Oge, Tir-fo-Tonn and all the other worlds because she was the Flame of Delight in all of them.

Ogma says, “Brigid, tie a knot of remembrance on the fringe of your mantle so that you will always remember this place. And, before you go, what name shall we call it?”

“Ye shall call it White Island and it’s other name shall be the Island of Destiny and it’s other name shall be Ireland.”

Ogma tied the knot.

After Dagda returned to Tir-na-Moe, waves of invaders came in what are known as the Invasions of Ireland.

“Let’s stay here and make beautiful things so the Earth will be glad.”

Here’s to the Earth being glad and Happy New Year!

Celtic Connection Storefront in downtown Lakefield, Ontario CANADA

The Mary McGillis Show on Trent Radio 92.7 FM in 2020

The Mary McGillis Show on Trent Radio 2020
The Mary McGillis Show on Trent Radio 2020

And in 2020, I am hosting my Trent Radio show again! VERY excited because I get to interview people who are passionate about what they do… will have some old favourites back on to catch up with what they have been doing in the last decade WOWSA and new guests TOO; will be hosting The Mary McGillis Show on Mondays from 2:30 pm to 3 pm starting on Monday, January 13, 2020 … at our  92.7 FM  http://www.trentradio.ca/

Celtic Connection